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The importance of benchmarking for alumni teams

In the competitive landscape of higher education, colleges and universities are working to enhance alumni engagement strategies to grow a robust, supportive community that contributes financially and advocates for the institution.

One practical approach to achieving this goal is benchmarking against peer institutions and year-over-year progress. 

Benchmarking Against Peer Institutions with PEG Ltd.’s Alumni Attitude Study

For the last 20 years, PEG Ltd.’s Alumni Attitude Study (AAS) has offered advancement teams and alumni associations valuable insights and comparative data that can drive strategic improvements. By understanding how similar institutions perform regarding alumni participation, event attendance, volunteerism, and giving rates, colleges can identify best practices and innovative approaches that might apply to their alumni engagement efforts.

The Alumni Attitude Study provides detailed benchmarks from a wide range of institutions, enabling our partners to compare their performance accurately against peer institutions. 

Moreover, the AAS helps institutions set realistic and aspirational goals. Knowing the benchmarks for key engagement metrics within the higher education sector allows colleges to set challenging and attainable targets. This clarity in goal-setting fosters a focused and effective alumni engagement strategy that aligns with broader institutional objectives.

Benchmarking progress over 3-4 year periods with PEG Ltd.’s Alumni Attitude Study, or shorter time horizons with Pulse surveys, can provide teams valuable performance.

Equally important is the practice of benchmarking year-over-year progress within the institution itself. PEG Ltd.’s Alumni Attitude Study facilitates this longitudinal analysis by providing consistent, reliable data.

Period-based benchmarking with the Alumni Attitude Study allows colleges to celebrate and build on successes, celebrate wins, and recalibrate if necessary. Conversely, if specific initiatives or perceptions in general show stagnation or decline, it prompts a critical evaluation and required adjustments. The study’s comprehensive data collection and analysis capabilities ensure that institutions have the insights to make informed decisions and enhance their alumni engagement strategies.

This internal benchmarking helps stimulate a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. It encourages alumni teams to assess their strategies regularly, celebrate achievements, and pivot when necessary to address challenges. Additionally, it helps to maintain momentum and enthusiasm among staff, alumni, and other stakeholders by showcasing tangible progress and areas of impact.

Combining Both Approaches Using PEG Ltd.’s Alumni Attitude Study

Combining benchmarking against peer institutions with year-over-year or period-based progress using the AAS creates a comprehensive strategic planning and improvement framework. Peer benchmarking provides an external perspective, offering fresh ideas and comparative standards, while internal benchmarking tracks progress and ensures that strategies yield desired outcomes over time.

By comparing data with peer institutions, our partners gain valuable insights and best practices, while year-over-year benchmarking allows them to track progress, celebrate successes, and make necessary adjustments. Together, these approaches provide a robust framework for enhancing alumni engagement, ultimately contributing to the institution’s long-term success and sustainability. In a landscape where alumni support is increasingly vital, our Alumni Attitude Study is a powerful tool for continuous improvement and strategic growth.

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