Site icon Alumni Attitude Study

Understanding alumni giving patters across career stages

Over years of surveying alumni at PEG Ltd., we’ve gained valuable insights into their giving inclinations. Patterns reveal the relationship between career stage and philanthropic behavior, offering intriguing insights into professionals’ likelihood of delivering at different career points.

Retirement-age and late-career professionals who have yet to contribute to their alma mater fundraising are less likely to rule out future giving than recent graduates and mid-career individuals. This distinction suggests that while seasoned professionals may have yet to make a gift, they’re open to the possibility as they near retirement, leveraging their tenure and accumulated wealth.

Conversely, early and mid-career professionals are more prone to not giving yet but expressing willingness for future giving. Juggling career building and financial constraints, they prioritize future philanthropy, showing readiness to engage with alma mater fundraising as circumstances evolve.

Age correlates with future giving intentions, with older donors showing a higher inclination. This highlights the significance of life stage transitions, influencing philanthropic decision-making as individuals approach retirement or reflect on their legacy and impact.

These findings underscore the interplay between career stage, age, and giving behavior among alumni. While younger professionals prioritize career growth, older individuals may consider legacy and social responsibility. Recognizing these nuances is crucial for institutions that foster a culture of giving and lifelong alumni relationships.

Our findings show that alumni giving varies across career stages, with retirement-age professionals more open to future giving, while early and mid-career individuals show potential for future philanthropy. Age significantly influences future giving intentions, emphasizing the need for tailored outreach and stewardship strategies. Addressing these dynamics enables institutions to cultivate a culture of philanthropy transcending generational boundaries, ensuring sustained support for alma mater initiatives.

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