At PEG Ltd., we recognize that just as health and wellness are crucial for maintaining personal well-being, conducting a regular Alumni Attitude Study every 3-4 years and regular Pulse surveys in between are vital for educational institutions. These studies provide essential insights, enabling our partner institutions to make data-driven decisions that foster stronger relationships and enhance engagement. 

Our partnership with new clients involves a meticulous, three-step process that ensures we meet each institution’s specific needs and goals. Here’s an in-depth look at our approach:

Step 1: Design and Development

Clarifying Institution’s Goals and Objectives

Much like a comprehensive health assessment begins with understanding the patient’s needs, our first step is to engage in a detailed discussion with each of our partner institutions to understand their study goals and objectives. Whether the focus is alumni engagement, fundraising, event participation, or another area, our team works closely with the institution to ensure clarity and alignment.

Customizing the Survey Instrument

Once the goals are clear, the team at PEG Ltd. will customize the survey instrument to address these objectives. We aim to create a survey that resonates with alumni and encourages high response rates, ensuring the institution gains the most relevant and actionable insights.

Determining Survey Parameters and Sample Size

Next, we determine the survey parameters and the sample size needed to achieve statistically significant results. This process includes deciding on the length of the survey period, the frequency of reminders, and the overall timeline. Just as a health professional might select a random sample of patients for a clinical trial to ensure the broad applicability of the results, we choose a random sample of alumni recipients to provide the results that represent the entire alumni population.

Preparing Communication Materials

We prepare all communication materials using the institution’s brand to maximize engagement. This effort includes email templates, reminder messages, and other necessary communication. By aligning the survey materials with the institution’s branding, we help ensure a seamless and professional presentation to alumni, much like a well-coordinated health campaign.

Step 2: Survey Distribution

Approving the Survey and Communication Materials

Before distribution, we seek approval from the institution on the survey questionnaire and all outgoing communication. This step is crucial to ensure the Alumni Attitude Study aligns with each institution’s expectations and standards.

Distributing the Survey

With approvals in place, we distribute the survey to the selected alumni. This involves sending out the initial survey invitation and reminders to encourage participation. Our communication strategy is designed to maximize response rates while respecting alumni’s time and inboxes, akin to a health program that gently reminds participants to follow their wellness routines.

Gathering Responses

As responses come in, we gather and compile them into a comprehensive database. Our database at PEG Ltd. is meticulously maintained to ensure data accuracy and integrity. Each response provides valuable insights, contributing to a thorough understanding of alumni attitudes and preferences.

Step 3: Analysis & Changes

Analyzing the Results

Once the survey period concludes, our team analyzes the results. We prepare a detailed initial findings report highlighting key trends and insights. This analysis is critical for understanding alumni attitudes and preferences, much like interpreting the results of a health assessment to understand a patient’s condition.

Presenting Initial Findings

We then present the initial findings to the institution’s stakeholders. This presentation includes a comprehensive overview of the data, accompanied by visual aids and clear explanations. Our goal is to ensure the institution fully understands the implications of the results.

Sharing Recommendations for Change

Based on the analysis, we share recommendations for change. These recommendations are tailored to the institution’s goals and address alumni preferences and priorities. We suggest actionable steps the institution can take to improve alumni engagement and satisfaction, similar to a personalized health improvement plan.

Collaborating on Future Efforts

Finally, we collaborate with the institution on future communications, messaging, segmentation, and programming efforts. Our partnership doesn’t end with the survey; we continue to support the institution in implementing changes and measuring their impact. Working together, we help institutions create a more engaged and supportive alumni community akin to ongoing wellness support to maintain and improve health.

At PEG Ltd., our comprehensive process ensures that each Alumni Attitude Study is tailored to the institution’s unique needs, providing actionable insights that drive meaningful change. Through careful planning, thoughtful execution, and ongoing collaboration, we help institutions strengthen their relationships with alumni and achieve their strategic goals, maintaining the health and wellness of their alumni engagement program.

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