Patching up the Leak of the Communication Gap with Hispanic Alumni

Hispanic alumni have the highest Satisfaction Score compared to any other Ethnicity group.  Additionally, Hispanic alumni report that “Not knowing how to get involved” is the largest barrier holding them back from participating in Alumni Events, as compared to other alumni ethnic Population. This difference of high satisfaction and higher scores on “Not knowing how […]

Solving the “Paradox of Event Attendance” – Leveraging Communications

A chain of communicating people. Cooperation for solving tasks. Unity and diversity.

There are many “generally accepted truths” that we hear over and over from our university and college clients.  In spite of the power of such paradigms, there appears to be ongoing debate about the veracity of some.  One topic getting a lot of attention is sponsored events and the attendance implications of those events.  Three […]

Understanding the NPS for Higher Education

College! College Life! Back to School! Higher Education! Retail Shopping!

At the 2014 CASE District IV Annual Conference, I presented on alumni opinions and feedback with Graham Stewart, Vice Chancellor for Alumni Relations, at Vanderbilt University. At that meeting, Graham spoke about his use of the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a process taken from top business consultants that centers on asking stakeholders about their willingness […]

Engagement Through a Celebration of Our Differences

Not all alumni have the same experience of their alma mater, either as a student or as an alumnus/a.  For every individual, each experience is filtered through their individual and cultural lens.  Research reveals, however, that there are similarities (of such perceptions) among members of distinct demographic groups.  A few of the most important demographic […]