Our Clients
Since 2001, more than 1 million alumni have completed the Alumni Attitude Study©. Those alumni represent over 350 secondary schools, colleges, universities, and fraternal organizations. Many organizations have used the Alumni Attitude Study© two or more times.
Alumni Attitude Study© clients include organizations of many different sizes, affiliations and characteristics.
We customize each Alumni Attitude Study© to meet your organization’s unique needs. This illuminates the actions that will increase your alumni engagement, loyalty, and giving.
The Alumni Attitude Study© is the premier method for gathering alumni feedback. It is also much more than a survey. It translates data into information and information into strategic action. As a comprehensive source of insights, it continues to grow in popularity.
The Alumni Attitude Study© reinforces the partnership between your organization and its alumni. That’s part of the unique nature of the Alumni Attitude Study© experience. It gathers feedback through a visible, interactive communications and research effort. As a result, our clients achieve advantages that would otherwise have remained unrealized.