At PEG Ltd., we often discuss how our clients might analogize a partnership with us every couple of years to a routine wellness exam with a primary care physician. The reality is that it’s essential for all advancement teams to regularly check in with their graduates to assess their current state of mind and perceptions of the alma mater. We devised five reasons why conducting an Alumni Attitude Study is like a wellness check.

Assessing Health and Satisfaction Levels: Just as a doctor’s checkup assesses a patient’s health, an alumni survey evaluates former students’ satisfaction levels and sentiments towards their alma mater. It helps gauge their experiences, opinions, and overall feelings, providing insights into the health of the alumni community’s relationship with the institution.

Identifying Issues or Areas Needing Attention: Similar to a doctor identifying health issues, surveys can pinpoint areas of concern within the alumni community. Whether it’s dissatisfaction with certain services, programs, or communication, surveys can highlight these issues, enabling the advancement team to address and improve upon them.

Understanding Trends and Patterns: Doctors analyze patient health trends to make informed decisions. Likewise, alumni surveys help identify trends and patterns among former students, such as career paths, engagement preferences, or philanthropic interests. This information aids in tailoring engagement strategies more effectively.

Creating Strategies for Improvement: Doctors prescribe treatments to improve health, and similarly, surveys can provide crucial data to develop strategies for alumni engagement, fundraising, and programming enhancements. Understanding alumni preferences and needs allows advancement teams to create targeted and impactful initiatives.

Monitoring Progress and Success: Just as follow-up appointments track progress in a patient’s health, ongoing alumni surveys help track the success and effectiveness of implemented strategies. They provide feedback loops, allowing institutions to measure alumni satisfaction and engagement improvements over time.

In essence, conducting an alumni survey serves as a diagnostic tool, providing valuable insights and data vital for the health and growth of alumni relationships, akin to how a doctor’s checkup is essential for maintaining and improving one’s health.

Have you surveyed your graduates recently? Give us a shout, and we’ll ensure you’ve completed this critical component of maintaining a healthy advancement organization.

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